In order from left to right, top to bottom, the photos had the white balance setttings of automatic, flourescent, shade, automatic, cloudy, and sunny.
With the first row of photos I noticed that shade gave the photo a high amount of yellow and the reflection that the apple gives off was no longer visible. Auto (if I remember correctly) was closer to how I saw the white in the phone and the booklet than flourescent was.
With the second set of photos I noticed that with the cloudy setting everything was slightly darker but the white was still quite white. The apple also was no longer visible. Auto was quite accurate or similar to how I saw the white like cloudy. Sunny oddly had a blue shade, but thinking about it sunny would make things darker so things would be more visible.
I would tend to agree with you that the AWB photos tend to look a little more natural. However, if you were to adjust your exposure value to let less light in, the cloudy setting would be better with less details being lost and a truer white.