Hey there, name is Dylan Peter Smith and this is my photography blog for my photography class.
I am a grade 12 student at POWER, an alternate education program, and I will be graduating within a few months. My hair is naturally dark brown and my blood type is O-. To some extent I would also like to be an artist, but none of that will appear on here.
I have a dog, a female american staffordshire terrier mix, named Loki and I've had her around for about 12 years. I've had other pets such as the more basic fish and hamsters, but I've also had a couple lizards. The longest living one and perhaps the one I was closest to was a bearded dragon lizard named Christmas (I received him around christmas).
I have very little to no interest in sports and I also don't do spontaneous things, I have to be let know before hand that there is something that should be done so I can think it over otherwise I likely just won't do it.
I'm taking this photography class because I enjoy taking photos and I'd like to learn how to do so better, I have a trip coming up so it would be beneficial to learn how to take relatively good photos, and that it also just happened to be an option for me.
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