Friday, 24 May 2013

Assignment #3 - Culture Jams

Part 1: Critique

I chose to critique this Apple ad that was subverted.

1. What company does the advertisement represent/subvert?
The Apple company is the company that is being subverted in the advertisement. This is known because of the iPad's presence in the picture and the text mixed with the white background that frequents Apple advertisements.

2. What kind of product(s) is being advertised?
The iPad is being advertised in the ad because it is seen being shown off and praised for being 'thinner than ever'.

3. What imagery is used in the advertisement to subvert?
The imagery of a young very thin child reaching out for the thin iPad is being used to subvert the advertisement.

4. What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement?
The text 'thinner than ever' is being used. It is likely being used because it is both used for the iPad and because it fits well when comparing the images of the iPad and the child.

5. How are the elements and principles of design used to convey a message?
The comparison of the thin iPad and the thin child are used together to convey a message alongside the caucasian hand giving the african child the iPad. The starving child is also used to subvert the ad.

6. Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
The target audience of this advertisement are Apple consumers and those who might not be quite are sympathetic towards assisting those less fortunate.

7. Does the ad jam convey a clear and successful message?
Yes, it seems to be relatively clear with the message being that there are people saying the next new step in technology is a thinner tablet when there are starving children who could be a better way to spend time, money, and energy.

8. How could the ad jam be improved?
It could be improved in that, the image could show more of the person handing out the iPad comparing two different people and lifestyles.

Part 2: Create

For part 2 I chose to 'corrupt' a Kardashian advertisement.

1. What company does the advertisement? 
OPI Products Inc. does the advertising of the original ad.

2. What kind of product(s) is being advertised?
Nail polish is being advertised.

3. What imagery is used in the advertisement?
The Kardashian women, who believe it's safe to say frequent the reality show they are on, are part of the advertisement alongside smaller pictures of the nail polish bottles and clothes.

4. What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement?
"KardashianKolor", "Sparkle this holiday with shades inspired by everyone's favorite TV family!"

5. How are the elements and principles of design used to convey a message?
The 'favourite TV family' are all photoshopped to perfection and are posing above the product itself. 'If you buy this you'll look just like us'.

6. Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
Adolescent and adult females and fans of the Kardashian's show.

7. What made you choose the advertisement you created an ad jam for?
It's rather easy to make fun of the Kardashians and I've never really been a fan of their show. It also happened to be within the magazine.

8. What have you done to create an ad jam?
I changed the messages and drew them as 2 dimensional figures.

9. Does the ad jam convey a clear and successful message?
I would hope so yes. There isn't very much substance to be found within 'everyone's favorite TV family'.

10. How could the ad jam have been improved?
It could have been draw more professionally and I could have added more detail to the figures, but that could possibly take away from the message. I also could have put more time into creating the image.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Assignment #1 - Getting Started

This isn't my first introduction to blogging, so I am not necessarily out of my comfort zone or confused about how this whole thing works. I haven't really used Blogspot/Blogger before simply out of personal preference. I have a personal blog elsewhere, but I likely won't be sharing that with anyone.

I'm not really all that nervous about this whole 'blogging for school' thing, just that it's a little different. I'm also not too nervous about sharing my thoughts with others, just a little curious as to how I'm going to put my constructive critique or support of others photography together.

Blogging for the photography class and sharing my photos for critique is something I'm somewhat impartial to. Just waiting to see how it will unfold, blogging alongside others within the class.

All in all I'm not really excited or nervous about how this is going to unfold.

I suppose that this will suffice for now, seeing as I don't really have very much else to add.